Scottish English Irish Dutch Welsh American who is Calorically, vision, and physically Challenged.
I feel that the scientists are not focusing on the facts. The fact is that they don’t know how the earth’s atmosphere handles the billions of tons of pollutants that we pump into it every day. They tell us that the pollutants are changing the atmosphere. I have yet to see any data that shows any of the pollutants in the atmosphere. I think that what doesn’t fall back to earth passes threw the atmosphere and dissipate into space.
We do know that plants clean and produce the air that we need to survive. Instead of concentrating on things like stopping the destruction of the world’s rain forests we would rather spend billions of dollars on unproven theories.
We are reducing the rain forests at an alarming rate and increasing the pollutants. Soon it won’t matter if Global Warming “Climate Change” gets worse because the air we breathe will kill us first.
Let’s look at what happens to the Brown cloud that hangs over Southern California or Denver. It sits there until the wind blows it away or the rain washes it back to the ground. It does not float up to the atmosphere. It just floats there until it is washed back to the ground. If you live in a big city go out and wipe your finger on your car and you will see the pollutants on you finger.
We clearly need to change what we put into our air. Not to stop Global warming, but to keep our air from killing us. If we stop polluting our air and quit destroying our rain forests we may keep from killing ourselves off.
I think it is quite clear what we need to do.
1. Stop abusing the use of fossil fuels. Strict emission controls on the auto makers. Force the use of alternative fuels. NOW
2. Stop allowing the utility companies to use fuels that are known to cause pollution.
3. Make alternative power sources (Solar and Wind) affordable.
4. Make all manufacturers worldwide adhere to strict pollution standards.
5. Install efficient lighting in homes and businesses. I.e.: LED or Compact Florescent. Note I do think Compact Fluorescents are going to become an issue. Disposing of them in landfills is going to cause problems. I will visit this problem another time.
6. Plant three trees and maintain them.
7. Research what you buy. If it is manufactured using unacceptable processes don’t buy it.
8. Keep your car tuned up.
9. Keep your heating and cooling system tuned up.
10. Insulate your house.
11. Recycle your old electronics. Make sure the company you have recycle your electronics actually recycles and not just disassemble and ship over seas.
Just My Opinion
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