I was watching the news the other day. Mrs. Obama said the word "Chubby" when talking about children that are over weight. Well this started a shit storm with all the psychologist and child advocacy groups. They are up in arms because the word "chubby" could damage the kids outlook on life and other things. What the hell is this crap. It is ok that we tell our children that they are grossly obese and that it is an epidemic. I would much rather tell my child that they are to chubby than Grossly Obese any day. Why is it that we are so worried that someone uses a word that is "damaging" in someones opinion but when we use a much more damaging word (obese) it is OK. I am tired of people making up words that are "politically correct" But totally inaccurate. ie:
Calorically Challenged.
Challenged is defined as: Deficient or lacking or Having a disability or impairment. This describes me, A grossly under weight person.
African American
Although there are a few true African Americans Like President Obama. His father was from Africa and his mom was from america. This makes him a true African American.
This is however not true for most people we are calling African American. Unless at least one of your parents are African or you were born in Africa and are now an American citizen you are not an African American. Why is it ok to call me a white male but is is the ultimate sin to call someone a black male. Why is this so bad.
I think we have gone to far in the use of politically correct words or phrases.
So from now on I want to be refereed to as a
Scottish English Irish Dutch Welsh American who is Calorically, vision, and physically Challenged.
Give me a freeking break